
I am here to activate, inspire, repair, and help create a new path forward for mothers, birth workers, wild women and the next generation.


Meet Ali

Based in the prairies of Canada, Ali is a Traditional Birth Keeper & Postpartum Wellness Practitioner, an herbalist specializing in women’s health, a mother, a wife, and an open minded, free spirited individual who is keen to live her life with intention, purpose and passion.

She is a space holder, a kitchen alchemist, a root digger, a dreamer, a creative, a Cancerian, fiercely stubborn, hopelessly romantic, highly sensitive woman who feels the world deeply. 

She has catalyzed her darkest days into her offerings in this world.

My Story

15 years ago I began my journey into motherhood where I deep dived into all things surrounding the childbearing year, herbal medicine, food therapy, and regenerative & holistic health. I became utterly fascinated with the human body, what makes it tick, the great mystery of life and how everything is mirrored in the cycles and rhythms of nature. 

I am acutely aware of the crossroads we stand at in our collective human history. I move through this world awake & aware, soft & tender, but also with the protective & fierce spirit of Mother Bear energy. 

Here's what clients are saying...

"Working with Ali has been an incredibly nurturing experience. Her knowledge and enthusiasm to share her passion, inspires a willingness to integrate deeper nourishment into your daily life."
- Chrissy Sie-Merrit
"Ali helped me through it all. Her friendly, sensitive approach was welcoming and calming. I valued what she taught me and felt stronger and supported throughout my pregnancy, birth and beyond."
- Keely Richmond
"My first baby at 40yrs old was a positive, beautiful experience with a straightforward recovery - part of it was luck, part was preparation and part was having Ali as my doula. She is warm, knowledgeable, empathetic and took the time to get to know me."
- Teri O'Quinn

Nourished and intrigued by...

the deep woods, medicine making, elixir drinking, book reading, creative cuisine, quantum biology, regenerative agriculture, home gardens, autonomy, expansion, time with soul family & loved ones, nature, mythology & folklore, music, travelling, and beautiful spaces


You too? If so we are probably a great fit.


Why I Do It

 I was called to it. It found me more than I found it. I chose it as my mission upon coming to earth, I suppose. I remembered. 

I think we all have a unique and important role to play in this wild and unpredictable time. I believe in life, in the good in all people, that there is enough for everyone, in nuance, in natural law, and that there are better days to come; but it is up to each and every one of us to make it so.  

It's not just wishful thinking, it is a deep and grounded knowing deep down in my bones. Beyond ideologies and narratives, I strive to bring truth to light, and real, vibrant, sustainable health and sovereignty to the women and families I work with. I believe that health, abundance, and love is our birth rite, and I am here doing the work I do to tip the scales in favour of just that because this grand voyage... this life is really just a nanosecond in the big picture so it is important we all rise to the occasion. This is the main event and it would be a damn shame to watch it all from the sidelines. 



Let's work together...

Of Marrow and Mother Course

Elevate your life as a mother and/or your business as a birth worker with traditional foods, herbal medicine, and non-toxic living

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Holistic Birth & Postpartum Care

Explore how we can work together on your Maiden to Mother journey

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Organic, Small Batch, High Vibe Products

Shop Grand Voyage Herbals products made with homegrown & wildcrafted herbs from the Boreal forest

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Coaching & Consultations

Let's deep dive your health & wellness from a holistic perspective and get you on the path to feeling your best.

I'm ready!


7 Powerful Herbs for your Medicine Garden. Includes tips, recipes, stories and more!