The Grand Voyage Blog

Musings and recipes on Spirit, Wellness, Herbalism, Holistic Health and more

Growing food, healthy bodies, and strong communities.

May 21, 2024
Just a friendly PSA that if we all took it upon ourselves to start growing our own food and medicine this summer we could:

🥕barter with each other
🥕grow and strengthen our communities
🥕stop being so dependant on collapsing systems
🥕establish food security and sovereignty
🥕stop being poisoned by pesticides
🥕improve the health of ourselves, our families and our planet
🥕learn food preservation skills
🥕spend more time in and with nature
🥕eat more nutrient dense foods
🥕teach our children hands on skills
🥕learn how and why to seed save
🥕learn how to compost and build up the soil instead of depleting it
🥕avoid insane inflation prices
🥕diversify our microbiome
🥕avoid the medical system as we’d all be topped up on vitamin D, exercise, fresh air and organic food

…and on and on and on.
It’s a win/win scenario.
We all need to eat! And if we can’t eat then we can’t do the work we’ve come here to do! It’s a peacefully rebellion where we reclaim our power around food, and end up stocking our pantries in the process.

Even just one tomato plant on a balcony is a foot in the game. Come on now, I’ve got a seed for you if you need. 🍅

It’s time we all learn how to source food from other places other than the grocery store.


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